Early Orthodontic Care

Kid with Model Teeth Ortho

Did you know that the American Association of Orthodontics recommends that all children have a checkup with an orthodontic specialist beginning at seven years old? If you remember getting braces in your tweens and teens, seven may sound young; however, orthodontists can now detect subtle tooth and jaw development issues much earlier—even while a child’s baby teeth are still present. 

Early orthodontic care can do much more than just improve the look of your child’s smile. Straight teeth are easier to brush and floss, making them less likely to develop gum disease or tooth decay in the future. That’s why First Choice Dental offers every patient an initial orthodontic consultation for free, whether you’re a little kid or all grown-up.

After your child’s initial consultation, we’ll monitor their progress. We suggest a brief re-exam every year or so unless treatment is needed. If treatment is necessary, our treatment coordinator will sit down with you to create a plan that meets your child’s needs and your family’s timeline and budget.

Thinking about getting braces for your child? Schedule a consultation now, or give our Ortho team a call at (608) 848-0820. There’s absolutely no c obligation to proceed, just experts who’ll be happy to answer your questions. Find out what’s possible for your child’s smile today.