Dr. Grant Kosharek


KosharekGrant 1

Services Offered

General Dentistry

Days & Hours


Tuesday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Days and hours listed do not indicate available appointment times. Please make an appointment with your clinic.



Doctor of Dental Surgery - University of Iowa School of Dentistry

Bachelor of Science in Biology - University of Wisconsin-Madison

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About Dr. Grant Kosharek

About Dr. Grant Kosharek
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Dr. Kosharek’s hometown is Milton, WI. He attended UW Madison for undergrad and earned his degree in Biology. While he was at UW, he was a member of the UW Madison marching band and marched in all the football games and bowl games and even got to march in the Rose Bowl parade in 2020!

Dr. Kosharek is a graduate of the University of Iowa Dental School. He and his wife, Taryn, are happy to be back in Wisconsin as they loved their time in Madison during college. He enjoys fishing, golfing, tennis, watching movies, and playing board games. He also enjoys laser engraving and 3D printing as hobbies. He and Taryn love Colorado. In fact, they eloped in Frisco, Colorado! They have a rescue pup named Koda, who is a mix of lab, pit, and blue heeler.